Letter about my apathy (tony walker's) 1-of-3 a tale of the excited and the unwilling (if anyone feels so inclined, they may put their name in place of mine and share this with their friends)
Dear Brothers And Sisters, and Friends And Family in Christ.
Yours in Christ,
tony walker
Dear Brothers And Sisters, and Friends And Family in Christ.
- I want to repent of my apathy. Father in heaven please forgive me and help me to be all that you want me to be.
- Now I know repenting is more than just mouthing words, it also involves action. I will tell you what apathy I am repenting of, but first I want to give a mental picture of how I think I react to God's will and His request of me.
- Have you ever had a dog that when he sees you he is all excited to come to you and if you have a ball that is even better? Now you throw the ball and that dog runs after the ball and returns the ball to you and he is so happy. Doing what you want is what he wants and he willingly runs after the ball again and again as you throw it time after time. That is dog number 1 but I am more like dog number 2. God throws the ball and I just stay with God. God says go get the ball and I tell God I don't want to play that game. God says this is not a game, I do not play games, now go get the ball. Now at this point I do think I do go and try to do the will of God (our heavenly Father), but by this time I've loss sight of the ball, and that makes the task tougher on me and often requires more time and is less than what I could have had if I just been excited to do His bidding in the first place. Or at least I could be willing to do His bidding rather than telling Him about my desire to not do His will.
- It is late and I am going to have to take a break here. I will tell of my apathy in the next communication.
- Maybe some of you could tell me how you respond to God and if this is any encouragement to you. Hopefully you do a better Job than I have.
Yours in Christ,
tony walker