1 Husband is the head of Wife (Eph.5:23) 2 Husband is to love his wife (Eph.5:25) 3 Husband is to die to self for his wife (Eph.5:25) 4 Husband is to sanctify his wife … by the word (Eph.5:25) 5 Husband is to cleanse his wife … by the word (Eph.5:25) 6 Husband is to wash wife to present her to himself glorious 7 Husband is to wash wife to present her to himself without spot 8 Husband is to wash wife to present her to himself without wrinkle 9 Husband is to wash wife to present her to himself without blemish 10 Husband is to wash wife to present her to himself as holy Eph.5:29 11 Husband is to nourish his wife (Eph.5:29) 12 Husband is to cherish his wife (Eph.5:29) 13 Husband is to love his wife as his own body (Eph.5:28) 14 Husband that loves his wife loves himself (Eph.5:28) 15 Husband is to honor his wife as the weaker vessel 16 Husband is to honor his wife as being heirs together of the grace of life (1Peter 3:7) 17 Husband that puts away his wife... causes her to commit adultery (Matthew 5:32) 18 Husband who puts away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery (Luke 16:18)
1 Wife is to be subject to husband in every thing (Eph.5:24) 2 Wife is to reverence her husband (Eph.5:33) 3 Wife is to win her husband without a word (1 Peter 3:1) 4 Wife is to win her husband by her Godly conduct (1 Peter 3:2) 5 Wife is not to be mostly concerned about outward appearance 6 Wife is to be mostly concerned with matters of the heart (1Pet3:3) 7 Wife is to be concerned with a meek spirit (1 Peter 3:4) 8 Wife is to be concerned with a quite spirit(1 Peter 3:4) 9 Wife is Sarah’s daughter if she does good (1 Peter 3:5) 10 Wife is bound by the law as long as her husband lives (1Cor. 7:31)