DO NOT ALLOW man to put apart. The command is worded "let not man put asunder". This is clearly a command to all those around the couple to hold the married couple accountable to their marriage. The wording "do not put asunder" would be to only those involved in divorce.
What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder (divorce) Matthew 19:6, Mark 10:9,
let none deal treacherously (divorce) against his wife Malachi 2: 14-16,
Let not the wife depart from her husband … let not the husband put away (divorce) his wife.. 1Corinthians 7:10, 11.
HOW Can we stop Allowing or let not people to Divorce and Remarry?
1 By being informed about what Marriage really is.
2 By speaking the truth in love because we care about them more than what they might think of us.
3 By not calling people who are in adultery “Husband and Wife” or “Mr. and Mrs. New-Last-name” Just call them by their first names and do not refer to them as husband or wife. Be sure to share the truth of God’s word with them, just do it with love. If someone is headed for hell because of adultery I sure want to warn them.
4 and By holding people accountable to their word vowed in their first marriage and to God's word. has no right to break it (marriage)...”
Are you assuming that man is able to break marriages? Matthew 19:6 and Mark 10:9 say “they are no more two” and “let not man put apart” This does not say man has power to end a marriage , it says that everyone is to hold all people accountable to keeping a marriage together. “they are no more two”. Jesus did not say “do not close the door” He said “let not the door be closed”. Now this “let not” includes “do not” but it also means if a person sees the door closed he is to reopen the door. How can we “let not man put apart”?