a biblical definition of marriage Conclusion: If you jumped here and skipped over all content (12 pages) bringing a person through what scripture says and ending with this conclusion, you’ll be like someone who knows the ingredients for making dynamite but is without the instruction of how to mix it, use it, and what dangers to be aware of. Please read the all (only 12 pages) of this marriage document.
MARRIAGE IS a, "until the death of the spouse" ,commitment between a man and a woman (with no living husband) to be husband and wife. God created marriage. Marriage is holy and righteous. God encourages marriage. Marriage is not adultery. Divorce does NOT dissolve a Marriage. Divorce only calls off a marriage that never came to be (like Joseph was thinking of with Mary), or Divorce after marriage is only a separation between husband and wife (like “whosoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery”), and the reason it is adultery is because divorce does Not Dissolve a marriage. Only death ends a marriage. Adultery is not marriage. Adultery is sin and is forbidden by God. What God calls adultery can NOT somehow become marriage. This is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. No one is worth going to hell for.
Hosea 4: 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of God. I will also forget your children.
Yes, GOD does forgive All sin for which we STOP the sin and ask forgiveness for and.return that which does not belong to us. Yes, GOD does forgive adultery if we stop the adultery and ask for forgiveness. God in his mercy gives us His words of life and light that we might live and not die. He calls us to be his peculiar (treasured) people.